Press and Articles
Reflective Fridays
Free writing - that is spilling thoughts onto the page without thought for presentation or format - is a helpful way to bypass our conscious, rational thoughts, and access feelings of which we are less aware. Because of this we can gain useful insights. Reflective Fridays is a fortnightly writing prompts straight into our inbox. You can share your thoughts or keep your reflections private as you prefer. You can sign up at the link and it’s absolutely free!
Press and articles
Why is Finger Wagging Considered Therapy (A brief introduction to EMDR)
Returning to Work After a Baby (People At Work)
Therapy and Other Stories Articles about Therapy
What's wrong with anti-depressants? (Huffington Post)
Addiction is a feelings disease (Priory Group)
Various articles and book reviews (Therapy Today)
How to curb your shopping addiction (Psychreg)
Kingston Rise - community based recovery. (Drink and Drug News)
Please get in touch if you have any questions about booking sessions.