Find out more about counselling
Learn more about the areas we specialise in
How we work
Our commitment to you means that we will work for as long and as deeply as you are willing and happy to do so. You can call it counselling or therapy, the experience will not be affected by the language.
Our team offers counselling to help address a wide range of issues that you may be facing. In particular, we can help you with counselling for the following common problems.
Counselling & therapy for depression and anxiety
“I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief.”
Feeling sad or unhappy is a normal part of life and usually we bounce back. Depression, however, weighs us down, removes the pleasure from everything and sufferers often experience a sense of flatness. Sleep, appetite and relationships are all affected. Anxiety can go hand in hand with depression or exist on its own. Physical symptoms include palpitations, sweating, nausea and panic attacks and can leave suffers struggling with everyday actions and events.
In therapy we can explore what you are experiencing and work on understanding it. Feeling heard and accepted is healing in itself and allows re-framing and insights which can shift the way you feel.
Please contact us to discuss how we can help you with therapy for your depression or anxiety.
Counselling & therapy for trauma
Trauma can be a single experience (car crash, attack, etc) or ongoing, either in childhood or adulthood (abuse, violence etc). The impact can also affect people who witness trauma through their job or life events.
Although relatively small numbers are officially diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) many people experience symptoms such as nightmares, insomnia, flashbacks and avoidance of certain situations. Symptoms also include being “on edge” (hyperarousal) or seeking to numb feelings with alcohol, drugs etc.
Different people respond in different ways to traumatic events which is why we will work with your experience and your needs. The aim of your sessions is for you to be able to put those memories where they belong, so that they are not affecting you in the here and now.
Please contact us to discuss how we can help you with therapy for your trauma.
Counselling & therapy for addiction
“Your soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon which
your reason and your judgement wage war against your passion and your appetite.”
Alcohol, drugs, shopping, sex, gambling etc can be ways of making ourselves feel better. However sometimes this tips over into addiction and becomes the primary problem. Therapy is a place to explore what is driving this behaviour and determine if it is just an unhelpful coping strategy or something more. If you are concerned that you might be addicted, we can explore this and find a way forward.
Please contact us to discuss how we can help you with therapy for your addiction problems.
Counselling & therapy for personality disorders
About 5% of the population are thought to suffer with a personality disorder (PD) but many more will experience associated symptoms. Whilst there are different categories it is helpful to think of a PD in terms of heightened emotion. You may find that your feelings are overwhelming and difficult to control. Because of this you experience life differently making day to day living and particularly relationships, very difficult.
Non PD sufferers may not understand why you behave the way you do, and it can be helpful to have a diagnosis to explain this. However diagnosis is not necessary for therapy and if you recognize this as your own experience therapy can be a way of finding how to make life more bearable.
Please contact us to discuss how we can help you with therapy for a personality disorder.
Counselling & therapy for other problems
However, it may be that you are experiencing something different, and as a general rule, anything that is troubling you can be brought to, and worked on, in therapy.
Please contact us to discuss how we can help you with therapy today.